What should you do if:

  • Your turf becomes thinner a month after it is laid?
  • Your grass seems to lose its colour?

If this happens, your turf may be adapting to the type of care you are giving it.

General description of new turf growth

The performance of newly installed turf is dependent on:

  1. The quality of turf you bought
  2. The quality of soil
  3. How well your soil was prepared
  4. The care you give your new turf after it is installed

Why your turf becomes thinner

The density of your turf responds to the conditions under which it grows and the care you give it. If your turf is grown in less than full sunlight or you give it less care, it will lose its density and colour. Turf density is greatest when it is grown in full sun. Growing it next to buildings, tall hedges or under trees will cause the turf to become thinner. If you look around your neighbourhood you will also notice that lawns which receive low amounts of fertiliser are thinner. Lawns that are mown at heights greater than 50mm will also be thinner.

A common cause of a deterioration in newly-laid turf is ground compaction.  This is when soil preparation creates to firm a surface which turf roots struggle to penetrate, leading to poor growth and decline in appearance. See our article Soil compaction & aeration.

Does your turf seem to lose its lush green colour?

Loss of turf colour is generally caused by decreasing amounts of available nitrogen.

Solution to the problem

In most cases, your turf will need to be fertilised and mown more often.